1 активных объявлений
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Tatiana объявлений

Security officer course & job
Looking for a part time job, professional environment and good payment? Security Industry is what you need! We offer certified Security courses that can change your life and career. Door Supervisor - 4 days course - £150 With the Door Supervisor licence individuals can work in: hotels, nightclubs cinemas, stadiums, pubs etc. CCTV Operator - 3 days course - £...
150.00 £
8 лет назад Другие тренинги 228 Просмотров
150.00 £
London, United Kingdom
Security officer course & job
Looking for a part time job, professional environment and good payment? Security Industry is what you need! We offer certified Security courses that can change your life and career. Door Supervisor - 4 days course - £150 With the Door Supervisor licence individuals can work in: hotels, nightclubs cinemas, stadiums, pubs etc. CCTV Operator - 3 days course - £...
150.00 £
8 лет назад Другие тренинги 218 Просмотров
150.00 £
London, United Kingdom
Security officer course and job opportunities
Looking for a part time job, professional environment and good payment? Security Industry is what you need! We offer certified Security courses that can change your life and career. Door Supervisor - 4 days course - £150 With the Door Supervisor licence individuals can work in: hotels, nightclubs cinemas, stadiums, pubs etc. CCTV Operator - 3 days course - £...
150.00 £
8 лет назад Другие тренинги 240 Просмотров
150.00 £
London, United Kingdom
В салон требуется парикмахер, массажист/ваксинг, ногтевой техник
Здравствуйте/ Hello, We are currently looking for experienced nail technician/massage therapist/ waxing professional/ hairdresser. Our salon provides a wide range of hair nails and beauty treatments in a comfortable and relaxed environment in East London, Walthamstow. If you love beauty and helping people feel great - you could turn your passion into a lifel...
10.00 £
8 лет назад Вакансии 363 Просмотров
10.00 £
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